
International Women’s Day

As an independent, female led brand with a mission to help Mothers everywhere to celebrate their Motherhood, launching on International Women’s 2024 feels exactly as it was meant to happen.

It might be just the beginning, but already Faith Mother wouldn’t be what it is without recognising a group of exceptional women who have joined me for various parts of the journey. They have given so much of their precious time to listen, encourage and guide me. They have created pure magic with the their creative minds and kindest of hearts, and as I have introduced Faith Mother to the world, they have supported, encouraged and lifted me with generosity and kindness. There is such a wonderful community of women out there, and we rise by lifting others.

And to the most important (very little) woman in my life on International Women’s Day, my Daughter.

To my darling girl,

There will never be a greater achievement in my life than my role as your Mummy. But today is a reminder of not only how far women have come in the journey towards equality but, more importantly, how far society has to go and I feel a huge responsibility to lay the right foundations for you.

I promise I will do everything I can to raise you to feel empowered and to be kind, but most importantly, proud to be yourself. You might only be 2 and a half right now, but whatever you choose to do, you can and you will do great things. Always remember that the small steps count and can make big changes.

Your voice holds more power than you can even begin to understand; never be afraid to use it and don’t let others try to undermine you. Claim your achievements they’re yours to celebrate, stand by your decisions, and trust your instincts. Hold your head high, and if you fall my darling, which you sometimes will, get back up and try again. I will always be there for you loving you fiercely. Never forget how magical you are and that you already have everything you need within you.

The world, my love, is all yours and it’s right there waiting for you.

All my love,

Mummy x